Thursday, October 29, 2009

Days Four Through Six

We have been extremely busy this week, so I apologize for not getting around to this yet. Keira has built up her repertoire of foods. She has had bites of pita bread (very successful!) she has mastered bananas, and gets a good amount in her mouth now, and has discovered and chowed down on her first orange (see pictures below.) Keira also got a taste of a Milano cookie courtesy of her 2 year old brother, Brody. That was quickly taken away from her, but not before she gave herself a great big melted chocolate face.
Since this first week of BLW is coming to a close, I want to say, I am so incredibly grateful for being introduced to this idea. This is a great fir for Keira. I understand it may not be a perfect fit for everyone. I do wish I had known about this with my boys, because this makes sense to me. For all my complaining about the "baby food" or pureed food stage, I did it anyway. I thought that was the only way you could introduce your baby to food. I now feel as though the veil has been lifted, and logic has come into play. I may be new to this, but I am more than willing to give you any advice I can, or answer any questions you may have.
Please enjoy these picture of Keira inhaling her first orange...

Monday, October 26, 2009

Day Three

Day three, apples and bananas. Keira thoroughly enjoyed this. She is really getting the hang of it. She gravitated more towards the apples this morning. I am so happy!!!

Day Two

For our second day, I made some toast and cut it into strips. I also sliced an apple. Keira loved them both! I think she preferred the toast, and really got into chewing on it. Although she shuddered at the taste of the apple at first, she got used to it and really enjoyed "gumming" it.
Why didn't I do this with all of my kids???

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Day One

This morning at the grocery store, I stocked up on lots of fresh fruits and veggies, keeping in mind that I would begin to introduce foods to Keira.
Once everything was put away, it was snack time for my almost two year old, Brody, so I figured it was the perfect time to sit down and try out BLW. I chose bananas for the first food, because it came recommended, it is easily mashed, and most kids love them. I used about half of a banana and mashed it on a plate. Keira loved having a plate, and was more interested in that at first. Everything I have read said the first few times this will be more about the baby playing, and less about eating. I completely agree. I captured the first moments on video, but switched to pictures. As you can see in the video, she does gag a few times, although again, I was prepared based on everything I read. Her initial gagging did not seem to scare her off from the food. We ditched the plate and she had fun squishing the mashed banana in her hands, and tasting it every now and then. Although I knew this would be a messy adventure, I still underestimated the mess level. Next time we may take off the clothes, and eat in a diaper alone. I let Keira explore and have fun until she lost interest. She spent a good half hour at the table. I would say Day One was a great success!

Friday, October 23, 2009

Old Dog, New Tricks

Hello! My name is Nicole, and I am a mother of four children, three boys, and one baby girl. I am starting this new blog to document my experience with Baby Led Weaning. After three children, I thought I had this parenting thing down. My beautiful daughter decided I still had new tricks to learn, and refuses to eat any sort of cereal, or pureed baby food. She gags, she projectile vomits, she cries, and we don't want to force her to do anything that makes her that upset. Like any baby, she is very interested in what we eat, and is great at sticking every toy in within her reach, into her mouth. A friend told me about BLW, and I eagerly googled it, in hopes that this was what my daughter needed. After much research, and brain picking, I have made the decision to dive into this new territory of motherhood, and invite you to take this journey with me.